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Principles and Methods for cutting gems (part I)

Principles and Methods for cutting gems (part II)

Historical Archive of the Nobil Collegio of Goldsmiths

Problems and analysis about the renovation of the church of S. Eligio

About the finding of Gemmario’s shop at Pompei

Russian Folk Jewels during the IX and XX century (notes and links with the exhibition “Unknown Treasures from S. Petersburg”)

New assumptions about the Baroque in Naples

Processing gems

Ancient Roman Gold, Silver and Bronze

Benedetto Pistrucci: ancient roman cammeo engraver, medallist and sculptor

The Collezione Castellani jewels between Villa Giulia and Villa Poniatosky

Oplontis: a rediscovered treasure

Amber: misteries and problems

The Belli’s: Poets and Silversmiths

From the Boncompagni Museum to the Medagliere Capitolino: the glyptic Collection of the Prince of Piombino

Notes on the Sistine and Pauline Chapels at S. Maria Maggiore: iconography, style and structure of the ornamental apparatus

S. Eligio of Goldsmiths Apse: Marco Pino from Siena between classicism and mannerism

Roman Jewellery during the XIX century: hints on Castellani’s shop typology and techniques

The coin as a jewel

The Goldsmith History during the early Renaissance in Florence

Contemporary Jewel History

History of the Italian Silversmith (part I)

History of the Italian Silversmith (part II)

The renovation of S. Eligio of Goldsmiths façade

The pictures from the Marcel Puech donation at the Calvet museum in Avignone

Valadier: the household ritual of the modern table

Roman Silverware

Antonio Cortellazzo: analysis on the Eclecticism in the European Silverware during the second half of the XIX century

Sarmati’s and Shiite’s gold

Lanfranco in Rome, between Caravaggio revolution and baroque language

The Mind and the Jewel

Gems in the Middle Age: the lapidary treatises among “Science, Wizardry and Superstition”

The unfinished jewels belonging to the early roman ‘500: S. Pietro in Montorio, S. Maria di Loreto and S. Eligio of Goldsmiths

Goldsmith and Miniature: links between the miniate manuscript and the goldsmith technique during the Dark Ages

S. Ignazio altar: symbol and synthesis of the artistic culture in Rome during the late ‘600

The color of the Empire: the marble in the Roman world

The latter renovation of Raffaello’s Stanza della Segnatura at the Vatican

Università degli Orefici Via S. Eligio, 7 - 00186 - Roma - Tel. 06-6868260- Fax 06-6868260 - E-mail: info@universitadegliorefici.it
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