University and Nobil Collegio of the "Orefici Gioiellieri Argentieri dell'Alma Città di Roma"

Bando di Partecipazione "gioielloinarte" 2024
The University and Nobil Collegio degli Orefici Gioiellieri Argentieri dell’Alma Città di Roma promotes the contest
“"Borromini and the Barocco Roman Language"“
Elections of the Console Camerlengo of the Nobil Collegio degli Orafi-Argentieri Romani
The 3rd day of July, “L’Università e Nobil Collegio degli Orafi Argentieri dell’Alma città di Roma”, solidified what brings together the historical representatives of the Roman goldsmith culture, heir of the Corporation of Roman Goldsmith-Silversmith born at the beginning of the 16th Century, wants to honour the memory of his Console Camerlengo Corrado Di Giacomo, who died prematurely.
For the occasion the Assembly of Members reunited to nominate the new Console Camerlengo, in charge of the conduct of the Council of Presidency, and of the new member of the Council...
In honour of our colleague and friend Corrado DI Giacomo
A difficult task, is touching the most intimate part of our feelings, trying to narrate the link which united us and me to a friend which died prematurely. I knew Corrado, appreciating his spontaneous way of talking of his feelings, from our young age we found each other in the most noble ambient of the Roman Goldsmith World.
The point of junction, between the experiences, matured in our historical family laboratories, has had its formative catharsis in the inside of this austere and formal ambience. The years, thanks to the farsighted vision of few valuable representatives of the Roman Goldsmith ambience, the Corporation of Roman Goldsmith-Silversmith at the end of the 50s took a path of renovations. Thanks to them a new and enthusiastic generation of young have had the opportunity to pursue the classic character of the world of Goldsmith and Silversmith in its historical succession and renovation...
The neighbourhood around Via Giulia is an ensemble of monuments and memories of art, around the middle of this street opens the Via of St Eligio at the end of which, a true gem, is found the gem of Renaissance.
Triennium 2021– 2024
Consiglio Direttivo (Executing Council)
In the elective Assembly which took place the 31 May 2018 the votes to renew the social charges took to the constitution of the new organigram for the three years 2018-2021 which will be composed like this:
Console Camerlengo
Primo Console
Console Segretario (Secretary)
Console Conservatore Archivio Storico (Curator of the Historical Archive)
Console Tesoriere (Treasurer)
Collegio Sindacale (Board of Mayors)
Sindaco (Effective Mayor)
Sindaco (Effective Mayor)
Sindaco (Effective Mayor)
Collegio dei Probiviri (Probiviri Board)
Aldo Vitali
Riccardo Alfonso
Valerio Sperati
Monica Erzel
Riccardo Menichini
Massimo Lefevre
Alessio Tinozzi
Giorgio Von Moss
Annunziata Crescenzi
Loenzo Buccellati
Piero De Stefano
Consiglio Direttivo (Executing Council)
Console Camerlengo
Aldo Vitali
Primo Console
Riccardo Alfonso
Console Segretario (Secretary)
Valerio Sperati
Console Conservatore Archivio Storico
(Curator of the Historical Archive)
Monica Erzel
Console Tesoriere (Treasurer)
Riccardo Menichini
Collegio Sindacale (Board of Mayors)
Sindaco (Effective Mayor)
Massimo Lefevre
Sindaco (Effective Mayor)
Alessio Tinozzi
Sindaco (Effective Mayor)
Giorgio Von Moss
Collegio dei Probiviri (Probiviri Board)
Annunziata Crescenzi
Lorenzo Buccellati
Piero De Stefano